6 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights

You see it all the time; girls queuing up for the treadmill, furiously pounding away, mile after mile. Dirty looks getting thrown around if someone stays on a minute longer than the allotted 30 minutes at peak time. Well there is an alternative to the treadmill, head over to the weights section. Your body will thank you for it.


1.  Sculpted lean muscles look way better than being stick thin.

The common myth with girls lifting weights is that they will suddenly become a she hulk. This will not happen; women just haven’t got the same amounts of testosterone as guys for the muscle to bulk like that. Instead you will develop lovely, lean muscles which will make you look amazing in those tight jeans and fitted t-shirt.

2.  Your metabolic rate will increase so you will blast more fat.

The more lean muscles you develop, the more body fat you will burn. Muscles need to expend more energy to exist so even when you are sitting at your desk, the new muscles you have developed will be burning calories doing nothing.

3.  Increase functional strength to complete everyday tasks easier.

Lifting weights will help you perform everyday activities that much easier. No longer will you have to call on your strong neighbor to carry the heavy desk when you move house or buy something new; you can do it yourself. Decorating your house will be a whole lot easier if you’ve got strong arms and shoulders. Do you have a baby? Then lifting weights will definitely prepare you for carrying that little bundle of joy around.

4.  Increased energy/reduced stress making you feel happier.

Feeling tired and stressed after a hard day at your desk? Then hit the weights. Your mind and body might be screaming at you to head home and collapse on the sofa, but the increased adrenaline and burn of lifting weights will give you that boost of energy and kick stress out the window. The feeling of satisfaction after your weight session will help you sleep like a baby as well.

5.  Increased bone density to reduce risk of injuries.

Bone density decreases with age so you are more susceptible to breaking or injuring something. Especially after the menopause, your body will not produce estrogen anymore and is a lot more likely to suffer osteoporosis. Lifting weights will help to put some strength back in the bones.

6.  Increased performance in a sport or race.

If you are thinking of doing a marathon or participating in a sport, weightlifting will help to improve your performance and prevent injuries.  Weights sessions will strengthen up the muscles and tendons surrounding the joints which take a lot of stress from high impact sports.

So don’t be afraid of weights, there really are so many great benefits. If you are at a loss of where to start then ask one of the lovely in house personal trainers at your gym or check out some great weights workouts online.



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